Monday, January 14, 2013

Plan of Salvation Worksheet

The Plan of Salvation

1.    Abraham 3:21–22; D&C 93:29–30
Man was also in the beginning with God before the world was created.
2.    Hebrews 12:9
We were created and perfected by our Father.
3.    Jeremiah 1:5
The Lord created a plan before he created us.  He knew us before we were born and we were called of God.
4.    Revelation 12:7–9; D&C 29:36–39
A war was fought in heaven and the Devil was cast out and those that followed him were cast out as well.
5.    Genesis 1:27–28; Abraham 3:24–26
Man was created in the image of God both male and female.  We were commanded to multiply and replenish the earth.
6.    Job 38:1–7
God created the earth and the stars and when everyone was joyous.
7.    Acts 2:37–40; Alma 12:24
We are commanded to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.  This will give us the chance to return to God and receive the Holy Ghost.
8.    Revelation 12:12
The devil is here to tempt us.  In the last days, he will be cast out and will not be able to tempt anyone.
9.    Hebrews 11:5
Death will come to all except those that have been and will be translated like Enoch.
10.1 Corinthians 15:22
Everyone will die like Adam did but because of Christ, we will all live again.
11.Luke 23:39–43; Alma 40:1112
Christ suffers on earth and is rebuked.  Christ is crucified and talks about paradise.
12.1 Peter 3:18-21; 1 Peter 4:6; Alma 40:13–14
There will be the preaching of the gospel to the dead.  Those that accept the gospel will be in spirit paradise while those that don’t accept will be in spirit prison waiting to be taught.
13.1 Corinthians 15:29
The people that have died and accepted the gospel after death cannot be baptized except from those that are doing the work for the dead.
14.2 Peter 2:4
There will be a judgment where all will be made equal and everyone will receive the gift or punishment that they deserve.
15.Revelation 20:4–6; D&C 88:29; Alma 11:42–45
The judgment is given to everyone.  Those that did not accept the gospel are cast out.  The righteous lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.
16.John 5:28–29; D&C 88:30–32
There will come a time where everyone will be resurrected.  Both good and evil will receive eternal happiness or eternal damnation.
17.Romans 14:10–12; John 5:22–31; D&C 101:78
Everyone will stand before Christ and be judged and give an account of their actions unto God.
·       Matthew 16:27
Every man will be rewarded according to his works
·       Revelation 20:12–15
There is a book of life which we will be judged out of
18.Revelation 21:8
The unrighteous will be cast out and have a second death in the lake of fire and brimstone
19.2 Corinthians 12:1–4; D&C 76:81–89
There are three levels of glory – Celestial Terrestrial and Telestial
20.John 14:1–3; D&C 76:71–80
The Lord has a place for everyone and there are plenty houses for everyone
21.1 Corinthians 15:40–42; D&C 76:50–70
The Celestial Glory is of the Sun and the Terrestrial is of the moon and the Telestial is of the stars.  Each one is as different as the other as the moon is to the sun and the stars.
22.Matthew 5:48; 1 John 3:2; Romans 8:17; D&C 132:19–24
We are commanded to be perfect and that is the only way that we can return to live with our Heavenly Father.

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